Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Summit 2018

Organised by the Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF), the Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Summit brings together senior representatives from ministries of agriculture, heads of key agri-related public institutions, UN agencies, agricultural firms, NGOs, farm associations, agriculture research and development institutes, investors, donors and the private sector.

In particular directors of agriculture/food security programmes, financing, science and technology, innovation, partnerships, research, trade and collaboration, natural resources and sustainable development, will benefit from this event happening on the 15-16 May, 2018.

The objective of the Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Summit is to provide an opportunity for cross-sector networking and knowledge exchange that is competent and neutral, technical and commercial by bringing together all stakeholders, including regional governments and policy makers, private sector and research organisations, UN agencies and civil society.

By providing keynote addresses, panel discussions and interactive roundtable sessions, the Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Summit enables robust debates on sustainable agricultural transformation and innovations in seed technology, soil and drought management in East Africa.

By attending the Summit you will benefit from tangible outcomes alongside maximum networking opportunities. Places are strictly limited to ensure meaningful debates and valuable networking opportunities. Register HERE now to avoid disappointment.

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