Nana Kweisi Bediako is currently the Presiding Leader of Change Makers International Assembly; a very youthful and vibrant church in Hackensack New Jersey. A worshipper, songwriter, author, International motivational speaker, entrepreneur and the founder and CEO of Royale worldwide Corporation, information providing servicing and consulting firm in the USA. He is also the President of the USA Men’s Ministry of The Apostolic Church and currently working on starting a new business in the healthcare industry.

As a healthcare professional, his empathetic nature makes him appealing to many people and also passionate in health promoting and wellness.
Nana B’s calling is to build up the young generation through God’s word and music. He runs the Young Christian Professional Club, a mentorship program in the USA, where he focuses on teaching and directing young people on finding their purpose, making the best out of their lives, and how to have financial independence.
Nana believes that, “you should always be in a position to help those in need; for God will bless you to be a blessing”. He is therefore involved in many charities and spends time in some villages in Ghana providing health education, health supplies and funding the constructions of bore holes. He believes many people have died or die every day in most poor regions of the world due to the lack of simple CPR and First Aid and therefore willing to do his part whenever he is in Africa.

Nana released his first book on June 10th 2018 titled “What I wish I knew before by 20th Birthday” and has released 3 gospel albums and a confession CD also coming out this summer. The book can be found on all social media platforms including Amazon, Kindle, ITunes, iBook­store, Nooks, Sony Reader – eBook edition, Barnes and Nobles and book stores near you.

Nana heard everything from gospel legends; Kofi Abraham, YABSs, Kusi Berko, Mary Ghansah, Rev. Yawson, Rev. Eric Kwapong, Ron Kelony, Don Moen, Elija Saforo to jazz icons like Osibisa, great Highlife legend; Nana Ampadu, just to mention a few. Those different styles of music, as well as a strong presence in the church, helped to shape Nana as a singer.

How was your childhood and growing up like. Would you say it influenced your choice of a career path?

I grew up in a strong Christian home, this influenced honesty and dignity in my life. Both my father and mother are from Kwahu in the eastern region of Ghana. My great grandparents, grandparents and parents are all entrepreneurs. They have all been self-employed, and part of our family businesses. My mother’s father was involved in trading and the hospitality business (hotel). I grew up working in our family business. My mother did run a supermarket at Malata market in Accra. After school and on weekends, I will join her to sell ice water, ice cream and ice kenkey. Later on, I started my own soap selling business; where I buy the soap (don’t touch me soap) whole sale and then sell it in the community.
I also use to assist my grandparents in attending their medical appointment, dispense their medications and other neighbors who needed assistant. My family is made up of many mid wives, nurses and healthcare professionals. These childhood journey indeed influenced my career path in healthcare and starting my own business.

Can you share your story with us?
From where you started in your career and how you finally ventured into your sector?
I travelled to the USA after completion of high school in Ghana (Mfantsipim). My early days in the USA was very humbling. I have worked in gas stations, ware houses, senior residents, healthcare finance and finally case management and patient advocacy. Each particular venture aided in molding me to my current venture which is Case Management and Patient advocacy / Royale Worldwide Corporation which is an information provider services.
What will you say motivates you?
The realization that, I am not on earth by a mistake; and that I was born for a purpose. Among the millions of sperms, I was the fastest to fuse with an egg; therefore I came out my mothers womb a winner. Christ in me, the hope of glory. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. My testimonies, the journey He has kept me through, been able to know and understand my purpose and calling in life, couching and mentoring others. One of my calling is molding lives and fulfilling destinies, that is the motto for our church. These are what motivate me.

What are some of your greatest fears and how have you dealt with pitfalls and setbacks?
Not dying empty is one of my greatest fears. To make it to heaven one day and realize all the potentials that God deposited in me which would never be materialized. Every pitfall or setback is a spring board for greater heights. Pitfalls and setbacks has been my junkyard for creativity, inventions and making things better in my life. I always ask myself, what is God teaching me through these pitfalls? As I navigate through it, I always realize at the last minutes that, it was all meant for my good.

What are some of your greatest regrets? If given the chance, how would you do things differently?
It is difficult to really outline a greatest regret, because every regret that I thought was a regret turn to work out for my good eventually. The only one that inspired me to write my first book titled, WHAT I WISH I KNEW BEFORE MY 20TH BIRTHDAY was the lack of a strong mentor when I came to the USA and the time it took me to secure residency in this country. There were a lot of things I learnt myself through struggles, but it has made me very strong and inspired me to mentor the younger generation to make their journey to the land of success shorter.

What have been some of your greatest accomplishments?
From the humble beginning of working odd jobs, to pursuing a bachelor’s degree, working on my masters, and starting my own business; pastoring a church where through Christ working through me to raise an end time army for Christ, teaching them to identify their gifts and potential, giving back to the community ( bore hole projects in some villages in Ghana).

What are some of the principles, philosophies and values you ascribe to?
Whatever you can do today, please to it because you can never get or see today again. People will always remember how you make them feel, do onto others as you want done unto you. Be a person which people can pour value into you, humble yourself even if you know what you are been thought, you might learn a new technic. Be ready to give to those in need, read a lot, not only the bible. There is nothing I have that God did not give to me. Treat everyone with respect, because you might need someone one day. Seek knowledge and understanding, no matter your status; be humbled. Not forget to show gratitude.

Can you mention three books you have read and how they changed your life?
a. Beyond the rivers of Ethiopia by Dr. Mensah Otabil (it inspired me to love who I am as a black man and how God has used black people in the bible.
B. Rich Dad poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki- Teaches about entrepreneurship, how the rich think and acquire wealth. It motivated me to work smart and invest.
c. H. W. Charles- The money code- Secrets about Jewish wealth

What do you do for leisure and socialization?
Love listening to music, writing, reading, watching movies and fellowshipping with my members at church.

There has been an increase in entrepreneurship across the continent and the globe from small scale enterprises to large corporations. What are your thoughts on it? Do you think it’s the best way to solve some of Africa’s challenges and improve the lives of people?
I absolutely believe it is the right path for Africa’s financial independence and having a space in the global economy. China , USA just to mention a few has grown to this level via small scale enterprises. The market place is in need of small scale businesses; local manufacturing and exportation will boost our economy and also improve lives.

What will be your advice to others especially the youth about the effects of comfort zones and on the importance of entrepreneurship?
I hugely answer this question in my book (What I wish I knew before my 20th Birthday). First and foremost, a comfort zone does not birth creativity, change lives and impact communities. Well, if you happy with your State now, then this part is not for you. As I mentioned earlier, we are all created for a purpose, equipped with potential to drive us to our destiny. My book touches on 5 areas that every youth need.

If you can turn back time what are some of the things you will like to have achieved by now? What will you do differently? What goals will you set? It’s never too late to pursue your dreams and fulfill your life’s purpose. WHAT I WISH I KNEW BEFORE MY 20TH BIRTHDAY is an invaluable resource for anyone who is looking for a holistic path for a successful life, which includes physical, spiritual and financial wellbeing. This book is a parent’s life line, a great mentorship and coach’s manual.
The book unveils answers to the many questions been asked by our youth. Understanding the Jewish secret code to wealth, power of a changed mind, dealing with fear of failure, the beauty of wisdom, understanding purpose, potential, the power of idea and Imagination, creating value, how to build relationship / leadership, entrepreneurship, investment, dealing with procrastination, and choosing the right job for the future.

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