Editors Overview of Edition 7

Available on the 9th July

You’re in for a real treat in this 7th edition of My Story Magazine. Our vision has always been to create a platform for promoting the best of talents mother Africa has to offer. In this edition, where the number 7 signifies completeness or perfection, won’t be complete without highlighting some women giants in the entrepreneurial space. Especially as mother’s day has recently been celebrated across the continent since the last issue of MSM.

It is only befitting for this edition to be dedicated to all women thriving in this male dominated world of entrepreneurism. We salute you for all the hard work and the inspiration you offer to many through your dedication and tenacity. This edition is woman personified!

We begin with seasoned, ace and legendary journalist Gifty Anti who gives a candid accounts of her life in the industry, her challenges and success stories. She will inspire you never to give up amidst any problems you may be facing.

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