Healthy Eating Tips for People with Busy Schedules

1. Don’t skip breakfast
Most people tend to skip the first meal of the day because they need to rush out the door
and beat the rush-hour traffc. Eating breakfast helps kick-start your metabolism, boosts
your energy and concentration levels and prevents you from overeating later in the day. So as a businessman or woman, do yourself some good by incorporating breakfast into your
daily schedule. So whether you prefer a light breakfast or a heavy one (depending on your
job schedule) just make sure you don’t skip it.


2. Go easy on the caffeine
To keep energy levels on the high or when there’s the need to burn the midnight candle,
people tend to resort to caffeinated beverages such as coffee, cola and energy drinks.
While these can boost your energy levels and increase brain function, having too much
caffeine can increase your heart rate, cause anxiety and high blood pressure. About 400mg
of caffeine per day is considered safe for most healthy adults. This translates to 4-5 cups of
coffee or 10 cans of cola drink or 5 cans of energy drink per day. Try to stay within these limits to avoid the unpleasant side effects of caffeine.


3. Avoid mindless eating
During mealtimes, while you may be tempted to work whiles you eat, or reply that email or talk on the phone, try to resist the urge. This is to ensure that you’re mindful of your food as
well as your intake. Being more aware of what you’re eating will make you make healthier choices and enjoy your meal better. So during your next meal, turn away from the screens, put the documents aside and savour your food. You’ll be glad you did.


4. Drink more water
During this time of the year in our part of the world, we either experience dry dusty winds or high temperatures. You can easily get dehydrated if you’re not drinking enough fluids,
especially water during these times. Aim at having at least 8 glasses of water a day to stay hydrated. If drinking water is challenging for you, try keeping a water bottle on your desk, or setting reminders on your phone to drink water or enjoying a juicy fruit.
5. Exercise
Being physically active has been shown to have several benets including improving memory and thinking skills, reducing anxiety and stress and also chances of acquiring diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. So get moving if you having been doing
so. A minimum of 150 minutes of moderate physical activity such as walking, jogging, swimming or dancing is all you need. You can start slowly and gradually increase the
duration till you attain your goal.
6. Get enough rest
One area of physical health which is mostly ignored is sleep. A good night’s sleep is as essential as good nutrition and exercise due to its numerous benets such as boosting immune function , improving physical performance and preventing depression. Ensuring that
you have about 7-8 hours of sleep will defnitely aid in achieving optimal health.

Remember not to ignore your health while creating wealth.

By; Mrs Renee Opare Otoo (Clinical dietician )

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