Start Today, Now!

Entrepreneurship is about living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people.”  – Unknown

Do you ever wonder why your neighbour screams goooooaaaal!!!!!! during a football game while you’re upset because your team has lost? Do you think its fair that some people have it all or at least that’s what it looks like and you’re on a certain level in life and some people you know or are close to are so high in society you ask yourself how you are friends with them? Well that’s life.

We often forget that we are different people with different tasks here on earth. We are born into different families for various reasons and sometimes, we end up in the wrong places not because we are unfortunate, but are capable to make the most out of where we find ourselves. It’s not magic that people move from the most terrible situations to become one of the most successful. People don’t just start big and stay where they are by just sitting.

It is very easy to come up with an idea and day dream about how successful you can become at something you created on your own or by your own effort, but what do you do about those ideas? Do you just sit down and hope for a miracle? you don’t expect to sit back and imagine what you want without putting some effort into it. the way you carry your load to your destination determines how serious you are regardless of how heavy it might be. You are allowed to scream, cry or be angry but don’t ever give up.

“The failures and struggles of today end up becoming your reward from life.”

Here are a few tips to guide you in becoming a Successful Entrepreneur.

1.    Write down your ideas, be realistic about what you want.

2.    You need God and His grace, make sure to pray about your plans and ideas.

3.    Be passionate about the idea or ideas, passion ensures effort.

4.    Give yourself a limit or time frame, and make sure to abide by it.

5.    Make a list of items you need to put your idea in action, or who could help you with what.

6.    Don’t be afraid, tell yourself it is the right time. “Procrastination is the thief of time.”

7.    Make sure to keep your plans to yourself. People are hungry for good ideas like yours, you wouldn’t want to end up saying that was my idea.

8.    Brace yourself for disappointments and taking risks, it prepares you for surprises.

9.    Remind yourself daily, about your goals and expectations hence; what you want.

10.    Sacrifice is key, make sure to put your ideas first regardless.

11.    Spend time people who are focused on their goals too, you will get a lot of motivation and learn from such people. “Strong minds discuss ideas.”

12.    Be loyal, honest and selfless. Humility is key.

13.    Make sure to be spontaneous about your actions and ideas.

14.    Be discipline. You should know when to spend what how to spend what at the same time when to say YES or NO to.

15.    Make no excuses whatsoever. If it must be done, it must be done and done well.

16.    Learn from your mistakes, remind yourself why you started.

17.    Find out more about successful entrepreneurs and learn from them.

18.    Constantly challenge yourself, because no one will push you.

19.    Progress without change is impossible, you should be open minded and accept change.

20.    Be positive and inspire others with how far you have gotten. Your mindset is everything.

“Success is not for the lazy.”

Start now with what you have and just start The little things become the biggest when you continuously add to them, growth is by your effort. Wouldn’t you rather say “Oh Well” in a couple of years than “What If”?

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