The award winning young nurse from Kenya- Naomi Munari

Meet Naomi K. Monari. A nurse , Founder and CEO of BenaCare. An award winning young startup entrepreneur at the just ended Start Up awards organised by Platinum African Solition in Kenya.

Naomi founded Bena Care as a student nurse when her search for extra pocket money proved to her that solving a problem was the easiest way to get paid.

She identified a problem which was expensive hospitalization in Kenya and solved it by providing nurses at home at an affordable rate.

Bena Care offers quality, affordable and reliable nursing services at the comfort of the patient’s own home and offers screening services at the Workplace for exposed patients in line with the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

Over the last one year, 98 medical practitioners have benefited from long or short term contracts with Bena Care; 50 families have paid less as cost for hospitalization and 240 employees in industries dealing with dangerous compounds have been screened and are receiving help. Be blessed with her story.

“My name is NAOMI MONARI, I’m a  nurse by profession, I’m 25years old of age and a mother to a beautiful  three year  old daughter.
Growing up as a student, I was broke and as a mother, my needs kept increasing. I realised i needed to find extra medium to makd some money. It was during this moment thst I identified a problem which  was expensive hospitalizations. I thought through it and decided a solution for it as home nursing, and that was how BENACARE was born. My interest in this particular  field is to solve the problem of prolonged hospitalization and outrageous hospital  bills.
We provide quality, affordable and reliable nursing services to the sick, patients with life limiting illnesses and senior citizens. We also offer workplace screening for cancer and other lifestyle diseases for employees working in industries and who may be exposed to known carcinogens. We have a pool of registered nurses,nurses aides,occupational therapists,physiotherapit’s, doctors and nutritionists that make this possible.

Benacare is a start-up business which I believe is going to serve as a great solution in the health system of Kenya and beyond.
I believe in 5 years we should grow atleast 800% . And as an African entrepreneur, I believe in self development or developing  yourself for a higher capacity. Being able to contribute to Africa’s economy is something I take pride in. I look forward to being able to create good jobs and to motivate  young people like myself towards joining entrepreneurship, to be excellent. Also I Look forward to invoke respect and trust in total measure so that I can sit with Africa’s stakeholders and manage Africa’s economy.
As a young African woman,there is what the society has set for you to do, for instance;  you graduate from school, get a normal job,get married, get a loan as a worker, raise a family etc. When you then go against the sequence,people look at you like you are outrageous or even crazy. Example, why start a business when the government can employ you?
I’m sure not to give up, because part of my assignment is my daughter. I  need to live as an example to her.
I always wake up each day with the picture of hope,perfection and impact. These things drives me up in the morning and every night.

I funded my  business. Though its hard accessing for funds as a start up, we make sure the little profit we make is channeled towards building the empire.
I’m compelled to do more especially when I meet other young entrepreneurs doing great stuffs. The journey as an entrepreneur has been amazing, a bit tough sometimes but what ever you have signed up for make sure you complete that journey to help build Africa.”

Thank you.

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