Miss Amofa Is a creative writer, author and an editor. She’s a prolific speaker and just wrote her first book ; “UNLEASHING THE GOLD WITHIN

Enjoy her story ,be inspired


Tell us a bit about yourself?

I am Nana Akua Frimpomaa Amofa – Author, Creative Writer, Editor & Columnist – Evangel Magazine, Content Creator, Motivational Speaker and Blogger. I am a storyteller sharing compelling stories bordering on social issues and conversations. I also focus on motivational pieces encouraging and inspiring people to strive for greater heights and to churn their talents, gifts, skills and experience into success stories. My pieces are focused on creating mental discourses as well as nurture and transform lives. I am also Secretary of Obaagogetter Network, a platform which focuses on empowering and inspiring corporate women and female entrepreneurs in their career paths and businesses.

What stimulated your interest in entrepreneurship and why did you choose this particular work?

I have always loved writing and everything related to it. I have always preferred books as gifts rather than anything else. Books get me excited.
So I would say I am a certified bookworm. I discovered my writing abilities in Class 5. However, I didn’t utilise this skill often (though I wrote stories and kept them to myself) while growing up except when I was library prefect in secondary school and for academic purposes in university. However, a few years ago some friends saw some of my unpublished works and encouraged me to start a blog and after sometime and being consistent, it gradually began to gain traction. My talents also gave me the opportunity to join Evangel Magazine, Ghana’s premier Christian Frontline Magazine as an Editor and Contributing Author. Playing an essential role in this business has helped me understand the dynamics of entrepreneurship and also helped in exploring different projects. I have also channelled my creative writing skills to publish my first book ‘Unleash The Gold Within’. This book was born out of motivational pieces dubbed missamofaspeaks which sought to tell thought provoking stories and scenarios to inspire readers and also pursue their dreams and passion.

What are some of the services you provide? Any memorable project(s) so far?

I provide content creation, copywriting, editing, proofreading, ghost writing, speech writing, creative pieces & concept development services. Writing my first book brought be so much joy.

What are some of the untapped industries you think your project could be deployed in?

Reading fuels our imagination. It ignites our creativity. Storytelling or writing are universal languages no matter the form the stories are told (documentaries, books, articles, movies etc)
It is evident in languages all over the world. It transcends beyond communication. It plays an integral part in society. Like culture, it is a way of life. It tells the stories of people and highlights issues all over the world.
It reveals emotions; interprets the joys of motherhood, portrays the roses and thorns in marriages, describes the pain in the souls of people who are hurt or abused in various forms, it is in the cries of families for and the general public for accountability and justice, it is also in the several tears that transformed into success stories and the toils and hustle in the extra hours. We all have stories to tell where ever we find ourselves. It is essential for society as it is a change agent for negative narratives among others.
I believe that writing skills are being utilised in industries through various ways. It underlies policy making in governance, it’s a necessary ingredient for content creation, social media activities and a great tool for landing deals ( pitching is all in the ideas that form, decoding the idea into writing and finally pitching/marketing)

Do you think entrepreneurship is the solution to some of the problems on the continent?

Definitely. It is the solution to all our problems. Entrepreneurship is that ‘gold’ within which we are eventually identifying. It is that diamond acre we have been sitting on for so long as individuals. It is that pawn in the game of chess we have decided to overlook which can eventually become the queen. It reduces unemployment margins evident on our continent. It is empowering. In Ghana, there has been a steady rise of start-ups and businesses spanning across the tech and literary space, events and stationery, hair and beauty, catering services, fabric wholesale and design, interior décor and design among others services and products. To some, they identified a need, solution or service in their society, with others they nurtured their talents. With the growing pace of entrepreneurship, I am certain in a few years to come, it will be a major contribution to the growing economic rate across the continent. In this age of cryptocurrencies and digital revolutions, there’s more to come. Recently, Forbes Africa came out with a new breed of billionaires to look out for. It featured 90 entrepreneurs across Africa who are transforming Africa through their exploits. They were selected from the creative, business and technology space!

What is your vision for the next 5 years and where do you see yourself as an African entrepreneur?

In the next 5 years, I will want to have evolved into utilising various mediums of storytelling, written more books, become a bestselling author and undertake other projects both within and outside the literary and creative arts circles.

What would you say is your biggest challenge as an African entrepreneur and why have you not given up?

One of the biggest challenges is that most Ghanaians don’t like reading so much. No offence though. They prefer videos and short captions. But the stories are also in the words that are spoken or written. I am passionate about writing and the stories and messages I tell. Giving up is not an option. Sometimes it’s fine to take a break, recoup and return revamped with more innovative and niche ideas. People who are really passionate about their dreams never give up; they forge on!

Funding is also a major issue. In Ghana and Africa, there is not much of a credit system accessible to all. Therefore, mostly people rely on family, friends and personal savings and investments. However, more incubator and accelerator programs are being created to curb this.

What gets you out of bed in the morning and what keeps you up at night?

My dreams and vision get me out of bed in the morning and keep me up at night.
Creative writing, storytelling and different ideas fuels my imagination. It fuels my dreams.

How did you fund your business and how difficult was it?

In terms of funding, I have relied on personal savings, a steady income, as well as support from family

What avenues can upcoming entrepreneurs on the African continent think of with respect to funding?

With respect to funding, aside the most common funding coming from family, friends and personal savings, there are other avenues cropping up such as crowdfunding, GoFundMe, venture capitalism, share capital (external investors). Funds are also made available for incubator and accelerator programs over the world.

What do you wish you knew before starting your first business?

I always say that Accra Stay By Plan is not an easy feat. I always say this with a touch of humour in Twi( Ghanaian language). But to be honest, that is the reality and it is the same with entrepreneurship. There are several late nights, tears and toils and lots of hard work. It’s not a clear cut ‘road’ and things may not always go as planned. I have had my fair share of it even with writing my book. Entrepreneurship requires 100% commitment as well as other values such as consistency, determination, perseverance, diligence among others.

In one word describe your life as an entrepreneur.

Creative entrepreneur.

What has been your greatest inspiration?

My greatest source of inspiration has been God. I am also inspired by events, experiences and happenings around me. I also love and admire literary works by Africans as well as books all over the world. Professor Ama Ata Aidoo, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie , Ayesha Haruna Attah, Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka among others ignite my creativity.

If you had the chance to start again, what would you do differently?

If I had to start again, I would say I would have written more while I was younger. I could have been a best seller by now!
I would say that life is full of lessons and blessings in disguise we might not see and things somehow fall into place eventually when we least expect it. The lessons are an essential dose for our growth and development.

What significant advice would you give African entrepreneurs who are launching out?

Start now even if you have to start small. Success stories take time to build and in different time zones. Start where you are with what you have. You will not have everything figured out just start. No successful person ever had a straight jacket blueprint (that is achieved after some pitfalls and failures) Chase your dreams with all of your strength. Networking is an essential component in our lives, utilize it. Seek help when you need it, we all need each other at a point in time. Invest in yourself, it is the greatest asset you have to advance your business. Maximise your potential. Share your gifts, talents and skills; it will bring you before kings. Create positive energy out of negative energy; you will need it for the tough days. Nurture a consistent savings and investment culture. Trust me it will be your only source of hope when all other avenues fail. Above all be consistent with your dreams and goals and watch God do the rest!

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